Partners In Well-Being: Lessons Learned

Click link to view or download a PDF of the report.

CORE’s central focus since 2019 has been to support social and environmental justice organizations in south-central Wisconsin in shifting their practices and culture towards individual and collective well-being for staff as well as the community. Much of our relationship-building, funding and accompaniment work in this arena has been with leaders of color in three important organizations working to empower marginalized communities in our region:  GSAFEFreedom, Inc., and UNIDOS.  Each of these organizations has worked intentionally on creating structures, policies, and practices to support staff and organizational well-being.

In 2023 CORE offered leaders from the three groups an opportunity to gather in facilitated dialogues to share and learn from each other about their different strategies to support staff and collective well-being. They enthusiastically agreed. With support from CORE they chose a consultant, Cynthia Lin, to create this experience with them and write up the results.

The report linked here documents some of the insights, strategies, tools, and key questions the leaders from GSAFE, Freedom, Inc., and UNIDOS surfaced in their discussions. In sharing their report, CORE’s partners hope to further support the development of shared values and coordinated practice among social justice organizations locally and beyond.