The Coach Approach

June 6, 2019 Circle Invitation

Emergent Strategy Emergent Strategy:  jewels and tools to transform your work and life with Markasa Tucker, Director of the African American Roundtable at Wisconsin Voices.  Come experience the brilliance of adrienne maree brown’s Emergent Strategy principles and jewels.  Open yourselves to the insights she’s uncovered to help build the better world we want to live in.  Thursday, June 6, […]

May 9, 2019 Circle Invitation

Exploring Energy How would your life be different if you could use tools that are literally at the palm of your hands? What if they would allow you to live energized, with mental clarity, and feelings of love, joy and kindness? What would it take for you to stop the glorification of BUSY and choose […]

April 10, 2019 Circle Invitation

It’s Not Easy Being Green We’re inundated with alarming media messages about climate change and environmental degradation on a daily basis. It can be overwhelming and easy to just not think about the environment in our day to day lives, but it’s our daily lives that provide us with opportunities to make choices that have […]

March 1, 2019 Circle Invitation

Common Sounds:bridge building with musicand dialogue Join us to learn about and experience how the intentional use of live music, integrated with dialogue, can facilitate a sense of shared humanity. Samantha Sinai will draw from her work with Common Sounds which aims to bring together communities of different ideological, political, and/or spiritual backgrounds through music and conversation to find […]

March 1 CORE Circle: Common Sounds

by Samantha Sinai In a world that seems to be becoming polarized, I believe music can bring us together. Music reminds us of the truth of our connections and naturally leads us to find common ground. Lately, it has felt to me that our country is stuck inside of an optical illusion. And our party […]